When Life Hands You Lemons - It Makes You Squirt Them Into Your Eyes

Had enough energy to set this up, so I wanted to give a little update on the current inactivity.

The house has got infected with Haemophiliac Influenzae, which is extremely rare, and one of those things you SHOULDN’T get, because of the HIB Vaccine we get under the age of 5. I am guessing it came from my son’s school, and its a nasty bacterial infection that is resistant to antibiotics and attacks the joints. I feel like I am 90, haha.

Before I caught it, I was taking care of hubby, and now that I have it, I am being a slug just trying to recover enough to get back to the art grind 😆

The convention is 8 days away, and I’ve lost so much prep time. Thankfully to say all the other stock I need I make in house, all supplies, displays, etc are ready to roll.

I really miss making art, and I can’t wait to finish out this current scene in the comic.

I want Azaira in Tor’glen, meeting the other characters! But then I have to draw city/house backgrounds 😬

Will try to recover soon as I can, things should be back to normal end of Feb.


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