Name: Ozul Nuere Numino
Age: ?????
Nationality: Sha’salon
Profession: Free Agent
Magic Attunement: Shadow
Weapon of Choice: Claw / Talon
Backstory: If one had to choose a single word for this enigmatic, capricious master of shadow, Ozul above all else is enduring. Exiled ages ago and trapped within a still cell for time immemorable, his recently obtained freedom has plunged him into a world that has all but forgotten him.
A near eternity of isolation can change anyone, even someone as stoic and resolute as Ozul Nuere Numino. Even as his new machinations are set in motion to manipulate the vulnerable nations trapped within the Stillwall, he finds himself questioning everything. The baffling actions of one who set him free, causing him to act for the sake of another for the first time, a rather perplexing conundrum for a being such as him.